Adult & Young Adult Formation Opportunities

We are, as part of our Baptism, challenged to a life-long journey of faith.  An essential part of that journey is continued formation.  Much like taking a road trip without a  map (or GPS), traveling through a lifetime as a Catholic without taking stock of where we are going and with whom we are traveling can lead to roadblocks, confusion, or even disaster.

Civilize It:  Dignity Beyond the Debate

What does it mean to love our neighbors in the midst of such a divisive climate? Catholics are called to bring the best of ourselves and our faith to the public square—and yet today, many shy away from such involvement because our national and local conversations are filled with anger and harsh language, often directed at people themselves. As Catholics, we must model a better way. We invite you to model love for neighbor by pledging to Civilize It and committing to civility, clarity, and compassion this election year. Civilize It: Dignity Beyond the Debate is a non-partisan call to focus on the dignity of all people, even those with whom we disagree, and to put faith in action. Make room in your heart for those with whom you disagree and pledge dignity beyond the debate today at!

Have you checked out FORMED?

FORMED provides the Catholic content from more than 60 organizations to help parishes, families and individuals explore their faith anywhere. Supporting thousands of movies, children’s programs, ebooks, audio, parish programs and studies direct to your browser, mobile or connected device.

Every St. Sebastian and St Catherine parishioners have access to formed.  Just go to and register for an account.  When prompted find St Sebastian in Milwaukee parish.  Through our paid account you will then have access to all of the Formed content!  No need to pay for your own account the parish already has!

We invite you to share in the process of Inquiry!

Contact Jon Metz, Young Adult and Adult Minister, 414-453-1061 x123 or