Liturgical Ministries

Altar Server
Young men and women who are at least 9 years of age and who have received the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist are welcome to join this ministry of service to the altar.  Training is required and is provided by the parish semi-annually.  Altar Servers lead processions, bear the cross and candles, and assist the presider and deacons at the altar. This ministry is also a commitment of the parents to ensure that each child serves when scheduled.

These ministers proclaim the Scripture readings at our weekend and Holy Day Liturgies. Required training for this ministry is provided by the Parish.

Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist
This vital ministry assists the clergy in administering the Eucharist at our weekend Liturgies. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist also minister  to our home-bound parishioners on a weekly basis to bring the Eucharist and Parish fellowship to those who, through illness or disability, cannot be with us in the larger community. A love for the Eucharist and reverence for its majesty is a requisite for this ministry. Training is mandatory and is provided by the Parish. Certification must be renewed every three years.

Usher/Hospitality Minister
The “official” Ministers of Hospitality. The corps of Ushers covers all weekend and Holy Day Liturgies so as to provide greeting and assistance to the Faithful as they enter the church, to assist them in finding seating, and to maintain good order during our worship. Additionally, Ushers take up the offertory collection, hand out bulletins and other information after Mass, and help straighten up the sanctuary after each Mass. Some training is required and is provided by the Parish. (Young people are especially welcomed to participate in this ministry with adult supervision.)

Sacristans devote their services throughout the entire Liturgy to ensure the Liturgy runs smoothly. The sacred duties of a Sacristan include: coordinating all Liturgical Ministries, preparing the church for Liturgy, and placing everything necessary for Mass on the credence and gift tables before the beginning of Mass. Sacristans are also responsible for returning the Sacristy to order at the end of each Liturgy. Training is provided by the Parish. This ministry is by invitation only.

Art and Environment Team
Members assist the entire parish family in its worship by helping to provide a fittingly prayerful environment. The Art & Environment Committee is a team of creative individuals who work closely with the Altar Guild and Liturgy team to help transform our worship space by their sewing, carpentry, and decorating skills. The team welcomes all who are willing to help hang fabrics, wreaths, do put-up and take-down, and generally help to enhance our worship environment.