Spiritual Life & Worship

THE SPIRITUAL LIFE & WORSHIP COMMITTEE is a panel of parishioners charged with advising the pastor in the area of the Church’s public worship. Assisted by the Director of Music, the Committee participates in continuing education in order to offer informed consultation. The committee provides a forum for communication among the various liturgical ministries below and offers overall support and guidance in the area of worship.

THE ART & ENVIRONMENT TEAM creates the visual expression of our liturgical celebrations. Parishioners with artistic talents join those who have creative ideas, carpentry skills, and mechanical ability. Helping hands are always needed.

CANTORS lead the assembly in the sung responses and other music at Mass, weddings, funerals and all liturgical celebrations.

THE CHOIR rehearses Wednesday evenings and sings at the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. All that is required is a love for music and a desire to experience new friendships, challenges and spiritual growth.

THE RESURRECTION CHOIR leads the sung prayer at the parish’s funeral liturgies. Daytime availability is needed, and the ability to respond on one or two days’ notice.

INSTRUMENTALISTS help support the assembly’s sung prayer with the color and texture of strings, horns and keyboards.

SACRISTANS prepare the church and altar for Mass on Sundays, holy days, weddings and funerals, and coordinate the service of the other liturgical ministers.

ALTAR SERVERS/ACOLYTES assist the ordained ministers at Mass by leading processions, bearing the ritual books and serving at the altar with dignity and grace.

LECTORS receive initial training and ongoing support so that the liturgy of the Word of God is not just read, but proclaimed in our worship. Men and women with strong voices and a willingness to prepare and rehearse their readings are welcome.

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS are nominated by the pastor and commissioned upon completion of a training workshop. They bring the Body and Blood of our Lord to the parish community at the celebration of Mass and to the sick in hospitals and in homes.

HOSPITALITY MINISTERS/ USHERS are men, women and young adults with a willingness to greet and welcome worshippers at Sunday worship and care for the comfort and order of the church environment.