Mothers In Chains

For many of us in the Christian tradition, we are in the time of Advent – the time of getting ready for the celebration of Jesus’ birth.  In today’s First Reading we hear Isaiah proclaim that the responsibility of a prophet (we are ALL called to be prophets) is to release the captives.

One of the corporal Works of Mercy is: To Visit the Imprisoned.

This is an appropriate time to ask you to help out in an effort that is being led by the Religious Leaders’ Caucus of MOSES in Madison.  They call the campaign, “Mothers in Chains.”  It is an attempt to get Wisconsin to join the growing list of states that outlaw the shackling of pregnant women, women giving birth, and women who have recently given birth.  This seems like something that a civilized society should have outlawed long ago.

There is good information on the MOSES website.

As you will see, there is a bill being considered in the State Senate, which has bipartisan support, and which is expected to be voted on in January.  Unfortunately, some Senators want to water down the bill so that it only pertains to women who are actually in labor.  While that helps with the most extreme abuse, there is still no reason for women late in a pregnancy, to be chained hand and foot to go for a doctor’s appointment, or for women to be chained soon after giving birth.

YOU can make a difference on this. What better thing to do for Advent than to call your state representative and senator and ask them to pass this bill without watering it down.

Please take a moment to see all the excellent material on the MOSES site, and please pass this request along to others.

To find your legislators: